
abilities, differing 55-61 

Albert, Michael 253, 302 

allocation 11, 19-20 

alternative systems 118-22 

central planning 49, 51-4, 118-19 

information and communication 122-7 

institutions 20-1 

long-range planning 219-21 

market economies 11-12, 20, 66-7, 75-6, 118-19, 275-6 

needs-based 282-5 

organization 127-8 

parecon 167-9, 219-27 

anti-capitalist globalization 4, 6-8 

artists, parecon and 244-7 

Australia 15 

balanced job complexes 10-11, 104-11, 115-16, 126-7, 136, 148-51, 155, 170, 176-7, 195-6, 207, 245, 272-4 

Bellamy, Edward 33-4, 76-7 

black markets 267-9 

Bowles, Sam 66-7, 68 

Brazil 14, 15 


participatory 15, 16 

social needs 282-3 

Burke, Edmund 64 

busybody economy, parecon as 254-5 

capital, ownership, and wealth 29-34, 245 

capitalism 24-5, 78 

alternatives to 8-9, 12 

class structure 161 

collective consumption 208-10 

decision-making 181-3 

individual consumption 212-13 

innovation 250-2 

jobs under 241-2 

publishing example 173-4 

rejection 1-2 

“there is no better alternative” 122-3 

work experience 194-5 

capitalist globalization 2-4 

replacing 7-8 

capitalists 26, 78 

Carlyle, Thomas 64 

central planning 20-1, 49-55, 263, 266-7 

allocation 11, 12, 49, 51-4, 118-19 

compared with participatory planning 271-4 

centrally planned socialism 1, 12, 24-5, 80 

children, provision for 282 

China 50 

Chomsky, Noam 1, 290 

class structure 8-9, 25-6, 44 

capitalism 161 

central planning 50-1, 54 

corporate division of labor 46-7, 69-70, 104-5 

market economies 69-70, 77 

parecon 160-1, 169-70 

clean air 145 

312    PARECON 

co-housing communities 213-15, 216 

Collective Consumption Facilitation Board 210-12, 216-17 

communication, allocation and 122-7 


capitalism 78 

differing abilities 57-8 

market economies 71-2 


central planning 50, 52-3 

demand 202-3 

individual 214-15 

information and communication 122-8 

market economies 66 

preferences 75-6 

consumers’ councils 93-4, 151-2, 165 

decision-making 94-102, 258-9 

participatory planning 128-35, 154-5, 189-90, 211 

consumption 19-20 

on basis of need 116-17 

collective 138-43, 208-12, 215-17 

externalities 166-7 

individual 143-5, 212-15 

opportunities 233-4 

organization 258-9 

personal 214-15, 217-18 

planning 128-9, 215-18 

preferences 162 

self-management 165-7 

cooperatives, workers and consumers 14 

coordinators, decision-making 181-2 

corporate division of labor 44-9, 69-70, 104-5 


decision-making 9 

parecon 91-102, 210-11 

creativity, parecon and 244-7 

Cuba 50 

cultural institutions, markets as 66-7 

D’Arge, Ralph 71 


allocation 168-9 

capitalism 181-3 

consensus 94-102 

consumers 94-102, 258-9 

councils 9 

diversity 160 

economic 23-4 

expertise 150-1 

norms 39-41 

parecon 183-4, 257-8 

participation 149, 150-1 

planning 204-6, 263-4 

private ownership 43-4 

self-management 155, 163-9 

workers 69-71 


consumers 202-3 

participatory planning 133-4, 223 

democracy 261 

decision-making 9 

market economies 68-9 

workplace 45-6 

desirability, job complexes 103-5 

Devine, Pat 256-7 

dictatorship of the sociable, parecon as 255-6 


corporate division of labor 48 

economic values 41, 55 

parecon 159-62, 244-7 

division of labor 21-2 

        Index    313 

capitalism 78 

centrally planned socialism 80 

corporate 44-9, 69-70 

market economies 58-9 

market socialism 79 

Eastern Europe 50 

economic decision-making 23-4 

economic distribution 119-20 

economic values 

diversity 41 

efficiency 42 

equity 28-38 

self-management 39-41 

economics, participatory 

see parecon economy 

defined 19-20 

dynamics and institutions 20-4 

types of 24-5 

education, remuneration and 36-7 


economic values 42 

market economies 71-8 

parecon 194-7, 231-7 

elitism 56 

Emma Goldman community 213-15, 216 

employees, hiring and firing 205-6 

Employment Facilitation Boards 206-7 

empowerment, at work 104-11 

equity 13-14, 54 

circumstances 38 

corporate division of labor 47-8 

income 28-38 

markets 55-64 

parecon 157-8 

quality and 244-7 


consumption 166-7 

market economies 60-1, 71-2, 74-6 

participatory planning 138-47 

facilitation boards 154, 185, 189-93, 206-7, 210-12, 215-18, 221-7, 271-4, 279 

federations, consumer’s 93-4 

Folbre, Nancy 253 

free rider problem 76 

Friedman, Milton 77, 152-3 

gasoline, environmental impact 145 

Gates, Bill 9, 114 

global exchange 4-7 

Global Investment Assistance Agency, proposed 5, 7, 8 

globalization, capitalist 2-4 

green bans 15 

green bioregionalism 1, 24-5, 80-3 

Hahnel, Robin 253 

health, impact of smoking 144 

health care 282-3 

hierarchy, division of labor 21 

hospitals, public and private 209 

households, collective 

consumption planning 216-17 

human nature, views of 289-93 

human relations, market economies and 64-5 

Hunt, E.K. 71, 74 

IBM 73 


income differentials 153-4 

training 235-6 

workers 252 


314    PARECON 

allocation 55-6 

differentials 58-64, 234 

distribution 43 

equity 28-38 

individuals, parecon and 261-3 


allocation and 122-7 

central planning 49-50, 51-2 

market economies 66 

innovations, parecon 185-8, 246, 250-2, 275-6, 277 

inputs, planning 184-5 

International Asset Agency, proposed 5, 7, 8 

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 4-5, 6, 7, 69 

international relations, bottom-up institutions 6-7 

international trade 2-4 

investment, participatory planning 220-5 

invisible hand 71, 76 

Iteration Facilitation Boards (IFBs) 154, 185, 189-93, 215, 217-18, 221-7 

Jefferson Park 208-10 

Jesse Owens Airport 204-6 

job changing, parecon 108-9 

job complexes, balanced 10-11, 104-11, 115-16, 126-7, 136, 148-51, 155, 170, 176-7, 195-6, 207, 245, 272-4 

John Henry Steel Plant 197-204 

justice, remunerative 113-17 

Kerala 15 

Keynes, J.M. 78 

labor, remuneration and 34-5 

labor markets, traditional 108 

labor unions 15 

labor/leisure trade-off 239-43 

leadership, workplace 196 

LeGuin, Ursula 212-13, 253 

Lekachman, Robert 74 

Levy, David 253, 257 

MAI 69 


central planning 49-51, 52 

decision-making 70-1, 181-2 

market socialism 79 

marginal productivity, labor 34-5 

market competition 3 

market economies 

allocation 11-12, 20, 66-7, 75-6, 118-19, 167-8, 275-6 

diversity 161-2 

division of labor 58-9 

efficiency 71-8 

equity 55-64, 113-14, 156 

participatory planning as market allocation 265-71 

public goods 211-12 

re-equilibria 277 

self-management 68-71 

solidarity 64-7, 156, 158 

workload 239-40 

market socialism 1, 12, 24-5, 79-80, 113-14 

markets, limited, parecon 275-81 

Martin Luther King County 210-12, 215-18 

Marx, Groucho 34 

Marx, Karl 64-5, 239 

means of production, private ownership 43-4, 89-90, 112, 170 

meetings, too many 256-60 

meritocracy 248-50 

Microsoft 73 

        Index    315 

Mill, John Stuart 1 

minority groups, workplace 178 

Morris, William 2 


parecon 231-7 

workplace 196-7 

Mozart, W.A. 114-15 

multinationals 4, 5, 69 


Northstart Press 174-81 

efficiency 194-7 

participatory planning 184-93 

Nove, Alec 118-19, 121-2 

opportunity cost, social 123-6 

outputs, planning 184-5 

overtime, parecon 200-1 

ownership 20 

capitalist relations 26, 245 

means of production 43-4, 89-90, 112, 170 

parecon 24-5 

allocation see allocation 

attainability 301-2 

collective consumption 210-12 

compatibility with other institutions 286-8 

councils 91-102 

criticism 229-30 

decision-making 94-102, 183-4 

diversity 159-62, 244-7 

efficiency 231-7 

equity 157-8 

excitement 300-1 

human nature and 289-93 

individual consumption 213-15 

individuals vs society 261-4 

job complexes 103-11 

limited markets 275-81 

meeting time 256-60 

ownership 89-90 

privacy vs participation 253-60 

productivity 238-43 

progress 248-52 

provision for need 282-5 

quality and equity 244-7 

remuneration 112-17 

self-management 163-9 

solidarity 158-9 

summary 8-13, 84-5, 155-6 

vision 13-16, 294-9 

participatory planning 12, 15, 21, 128-35, 138-47, 154-5, 158, 162, 168-9, 177-9, 184-93, 211, 220-5, 259-60, 262-3 

as central planning 271-4 

iterative process 129-32, 133, 136-8, 177-8, 188-93, 197-8, 220-7, 259-60 

as market system 265-71 

people, differing abilities 55-61 

personal contribution, remuneration and 34-7 

Pigouvian taxes 75, 76 

Pitt, William 118, 119 

planners, central planning 49-51, 51-4 


consumption 128-9, 215-18 

convergence 134-5 

decision-making 204-6, 263-4 

evaluation 202-3 

externalities 138-47 

flexible updating 132-4, 278-81 

individual decisions 238-9 

long-range 219-21, 262-3 

production 198-200 

typical process 136-8 

workplace 197-204 

political institutions, markets as 66-7 

316    PARECON 

pollution 208 

power, economic agents 39-41 

precautionary principle, approach to uncertainty 295-9 


as communication tool 123-6 

indicative 131-2, 136, 140, 151-2, 154, 223 

market economies 75-6, 277 

private ownership 8-9, 43-4, 78 

elimination 79, 89-90 

means of production 89-90, 152-3, 170 

producers, market economies 66 

production 19-20 

alternative schemes 198-200 

evaluation 202-3 

planning 128-9, 279-81 

self-management 163-5 

productivity, parecon 203-4, 238-43 

profits, maximization 72-4, 239 

progress, parecon 248-52 


income and 29-34, 114 

inheritance 31-2, 152-3 

ownership 20, 89-90 

public goods 

consumption 208-12 

parecon 210-12 


capitalist 173-4 

participatory 174-81 

qualitative information 

central planning 52, 53 

market economies 66 

parecon 127, 223, 226-7 

Reaganomics 76 

red-light principle, approaches to uncertainty 295-9 

reform, consequences 297-8 

regions, self-sufficiency 81 

remuneration 10-11, 14, 22-3 

corporate division of labor 47-8 

for effort 112-17, 152-4, 155, 170, 207, 231-3, 282 

evaluation for 115-16 

justice 113-17 

market economies 58-64, 152 

merit 249-50 

norms 28-38 

talent and 152-3 

rent-seeking 72-3 

Ricardo, David 34 

Robinson, Joan 35 

Salieri, Antonio 114-15 

Schor, Juliet 239, 242 

sectarianism, danger of 294-9 

self-management 39-41 

central planning 53, 54 

consumption 165-7 

corporate division of labor 45-6 

decision-making 151, 155, 163-9 

market economies 68-71 

parecon 163-9, 262-3 

self-sufficiency, regions 81 

selfishness 290-1 

Smith, Adam 21, 26, 30-1, 71 

smoking, health impact 144 

social contract 30 

social costs, goods 140 

social Darwinism 291 

social institutions, parecon and 286-8 

social opportunity cost 123-6 

socialism 79-80 

economics 1, 12, 24-5, 156 

        Index    317 

society, parecon and 263-4, 282-5 

solidarity 41, 44, 54 

corporate division of labor 46-7 

market economies 64-7 

parecon 158-9, 188 

solidarity economics 14-15 

Solow, Robert 76 

Soviet Union 50, 266-7 

supply, participatory planning 133-4, 223 


income and 152-3 

parecon and 244-7, 268-70 

scarce 149-50 

technology, oppressive 297 

Thatcher, Margaret 121, 122 

Tobin, James 76 

training, incentives 235-6 

transaction costs 76 

uncertainty, approaches to 295-9 

wages, just 62-3 

wealth, distribution 1 

welfare economics 74 


enrichment 194-5 

measures 126-7 

organization 9-11 

workers 26 

capitalism 78 

central planning 49-51, 52-3 

cooperatives 14 

decision-making 69-71 

market socialism 79 

plant operations 185-8 

workers’ control 14-15 

hiring and firing 205-6 

incentives 252 

information and communication 122-8 

market economies 65-6 

workers’ councils 70, 92-3, 106, 108 

decision-making 94-102 

participatory planning 128-35, 154-5, 177-9 

working conditions, remuneration and 38 


collective 14 

democracy 45-6, 92-3 

equal ownership 9 

innovations, workers’ input 185-8 

minority groups 178 

motivation 196-7 

parecon 104-11, 257-8 

planning 197-204 

self-management 163-5 

working week 179-81 

World Social Forum 16 

World Bank 4-5, 6, 7, 69 

World Trade Agency, proposed 5, 7, 8 

World Trade Organization (WTO) 4-5, 6, 7 

Yugoslavia 70