Rethinking Camelot Copyright © 1993 by Noam Chomsky. Published by South End Press.
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Periodicals/News Organizations

AP    = Associated Press
BG    = Boston Globe
BMJ   = British Medical Journal
BW    = Business Week
CAHI  = Central America Historical Institute
CAN   = Central America Newspak
CAR   = Central America Report
CIIR  = Catholic Institute of International Relations
COHA  = Council on Hemispheric Affairs
CSM   = Christian Science Monitor
CT    = Chicago Tribune
FEER  = Far Eastern Economic Review
FT    = Financial Times
G&M   = Toronto Globe and Mail
IHT   = International Herald Tribune
IPS   = Inter Press Service
LANU  = Latin America News Update
LAT   = Los Angeles Times
MH    = Miami Herald
NCR   = National Catholic Reporter
NR    = The New Republic
NYRB  = The New York Review of Books
NYT   = The New York Times
SFC   = San Francisco Chronicle
SFE   = San Francisco Examiner
WOLA  = Washington Office on Latin America
WP    = The Washington Post
WPMG = Washington PostManchester Guardian Weekly
WSJ   = The Wall Street Journal


APNM  = American Power and the New Mandarins
AWWA  = At War with Asia
COT   = Culture of Terrorism
DD    = Deterring Democracy
FRS   = For Reasons of State
FTR   = The Fateful Triangle 
MC    = Manufacturing Consent
NI    = Necessary Illusions
P&E   = Pirates and Emperors
PEHR  = Political Economy and Human Rights
PI    = On Power and Ideology
PPV   = Pentagon Papers
RC    = Rethinking Camelot
TNCW  = Towards a New Cold War
TTT   = Turning the Tide

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